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Wednesday 22 September 2010

Life...work balance?

So we are only two weeks into my course and already I am starting to feel the strain. 

Monday night consisted of a full day with Emily, followed by a full night of Maths at College. 

Last night another full day with Emily, followed by a full night of Biology. Which was cleverly disguised as biology but was actually Maths. Completely lost, at 8 o'clock at night after a long day. Luckily I was not alone. Most of the class looked lost and the lecturer carried on regardless as they so often do. She had a lesson plan and was going to follow it to the mark. Even though it was clear to all of us that we could not complete all the necessary work required in the time she had allotted! Once home, with a little reflection I managed to understand what was required of us and managed to complete the work that I should have done in class. Despite the "Russia' sized headache that had now come to join me in my pain. 

I then managed to drag my sorry self to bed, where I attempted to read something unbiology related for a little while before passing out from exhaustion! 

So clearly, currently, I do not actually have a life in my Life...work balance. I just have a headache, that was still here this morning when I woke up.

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