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Wednesday 29 September 2010

I had a dream...

What do you think it means when you dream that you keep missing your college classes because you have lost your car and have to search the depths of an underground carpark just opposite your house, that strangely you never notice before now and yet you have lived in the same house on and off for the last 21 years?

That and the fact that when you do eventually find your car you realise that you cannot read your time-table and have no idea what class you are actually late for.

I am no dream expert but I would say that there is a general theme of lost-ness about this dream and that would be about how I felt last night during my Tuesday night biology class. Admittedly I am starting to feel less lost with every passing week but I can honestly hold up my hand (no pun intended) and say that Tuesday night is now my least favourite night of the week - that's right Sunday you have been officially bumped to no.2. At least I am not alone, half, if not most of my class share my general feeling of dispair at the words Biology and lesson when used in the same sentence.

It's not that I don't get the need for cells...without them well we wouldn't exist, it's just why do all their components have to have such complicated names...it's a dyslexics nightmare and I'm not even remotely dyslexic...just a bit durr! 

Chloroplast and cytoplasm, Golgi and mitochondria. The list is endless and then their is my all time favourite the RER...wait for it...rough endoplasmic reticulum, that last one just rolls off the tongue right? Well actually it kind of does roll off the tongue nicely, it's just a bugger to spell and I was worried about remembering how to spell psychology (right first time people, first time...thank you and goodnight)!

1 comment:

  1. Of course, Freud would say this dream is about something else entirely! And something not a million miles removed from Biology.

    It can only get better!
