A baby is not just for Christmas

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Tuesday 7 September 2010

All I need is a little faith in me!

So, as of today, I officially became a student, again.

I have enrolled on an Access course at my local College, with the intention of applying to University, to do Midwifery. Five years of study, that's how long this will all take me and I thought I would write a blog to keep me company along the way. 

First day at College, it was a tough one. The reality of my situation is starting to sink in, four subjects this year, biology, Psychology, Mathematics and Study Skills. Then Anatomy and Physiology and...something else either English or sociology next year. 

On my initial assessment I gained a level 1 in Mathematics. I am lost and it would seem have forgotten so much of my GCSE Maths that the C grade I achieved 13 years ago may now be a little redundant. This coupled with the fact that every other person on my course wants to do midwifery and spaces are so limited. If one more person tells me how competitive entry is I think I will dissolve into tears. I just about managed to hold it together long enough to make it through and get home. When I got back I just felt completely despondent and defeated. 

Having had a little more time to reflect though I am not defeated. I will go back tomorrow and have a little faith in myself.


  1. I wish you the best of luck with your course, I have put off studying midwifery two years in a row as I fear I will not be able to juggle the studying,with home life. Every year come September I wish I'd stuck to my guns.
    Maths and stuff will always be hard when you haven't had to 'use' it on a daily. Stick with it, I'm sure you will be great!!
    Good luck again!
    circus mum

  2. Thanks Circus mum, it is tough but having made the commitment to study I will tough it out. I am extremely stubborn, not always a good thing but in this instance it will probably work for me. Thanks for your support. I hope you get the chance study one day, when you are ready. x
