A baby is not just for Christmas

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Tuesday 14 September 2010

Back to the drawing board.

I survived the induction and have embarked on my first week of teaching (well learning in my case). Last night Maths, tonight Biology...tomorrow night Psychology (maybe by the end of the course I will actually be able to spell that first time without the need for spell check).

It's daunting being a mature student, there is so much pressure on you to succeed because unlike last time you were in this situation, you no longer have the excuse that someone is making you be there. You are there through your own choice, you have made the decision to return to education. You are empowered! Or just really, really stressed! And maths and science are that much harder when you have spent all day running around after a toddler who has just grown tall enough to be able to reach the table and the contents that lie on it and has also figured out how the draws in the kitchen work...damn it now I will have to install those safety catches that I was trying so desperately to avoid installing. 

And she gave us homework, on our first week! I thought we were adults on an adult course. Homework?! I think we may have to get ourselves a dog...

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