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Thursday 21 October 2010

Poo and Pavlov...

I enjoy Psychology, as appose to biology I actually manage to understand 90% of what we talk about in Psychology. It's not that biology isn't interesting you understand, in fact it can, on occasion, be quite stimulating. Take this Tuesday night for example, we were talking about antibiotics and their effect on prokaryotic cells (bacteria and diseases). And I was on fire, answering questions, asking ones of my own...almost like a proper science student. However mostly I am the one, sat at the back, looking ever so slightly confused!

So normally I look forward to Wednesdays, however last night was a real struggle. Having been awake since 5am didn't really help, Emily is teething at the moment and this always has the result of making her bottom really sore. Not helped when said bum is plastered in stinky, horrible poo. She was a braver girl than I can claim to be but once the whole rigmarole of an early morning change was over, she was not as keen as I was to go back to sleep!

So sitting in psychology class, having already been awake for 14 hours, 14 hours that included a trip to the dentist, nursing the poorly bum of a clingy, overtired little girl that managed to produce three more equally stinky and disgusting poo's throughout the day, two loads of washing in a machine that I have now discovered is leaking water (GREAT!), food preparation for child and man, food preparation for myself (once temporary filling had set), then some biology research, a little work on a job application, more washing and finally cooking of the tea. I had just about exhausted all reserves of energy and enthusiasm, including my emergency stash that i normally keep for special occasions only. 

I was in no mood to be discussing the finer points of psychology essay writing, which it would appear is very similar to all other essay writing, with the added pretention of making sure you remember that this is psychology. Our lecturer is great but she can labour a point a little at times, I think we now get that psychology is an extremely demanding subject and that the use of certain terminology will not be acceptable. I think even the dimmest of access student knows in these militantly socially and politically acceptable times that 'RETARD is not really the correct termonolgy but still it's always good to remind us, every lesson! And to be fair I still cringe when my other half refers to people as 'handicapped'. Afterall this is a well read, educated University graduate, so, really, what hope is there for the rest of us?! 

Thank goodness it's half-term next week! 

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