A baby is not just for Christmas

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Tuesday 11 January 2011

DNA anyone?

I am into the second week of my second term and what have I learnt so far?

Well if tonight's biology lesson is anything to go by, not a lot!

I have endured 3 consecutive lessons on diffusion and osmosis and I mean the exact same lesson. Attendance numbers have been down, pre-Christmas and post-Christmas stress maybe? So our tutor felt it necessary to review what we had covered in their absence, twice! I need not have bothered with at least one of those lesson! Especially since I still don't seem to know all the answers, even though I've already been asked the questions.. twice before. *sigh* 

Though once again I am not alone, the silence that descended on the class when faced with a question, any question...well lets just say it was a little uncomfortable. 

However I do now know how to extract DNA from a kiwi fruit using only some fairy liquid, salt, water, rum and a hot bath. I could have a career working for The Body Shop or Lush maybe?! Oh and I got an overall merit grade on my first assignment. I KNOW...I was surprised too. So maybe something is sticking, now I just have to remember it long enough to sit the exam in June!