A baby is not just for Christmas

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Thursday 10 February 2011

The power of greatness!

I still surprise myself how surprised I am when I actually achieve what I always knew was actually possible in the first place. Confused? Let me explain. 

I think sometimes we dare not believe that we are capable of great things because as Nelson Mandela said

 "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us..."

Greatness is relative too, some people will achieve greatness through running the country, curing some incurable disease or winning numerous awards for film making, science, art etc... Others will achieve it through the task of bringing a child into the world and raising them to go on to run the country, cure an incurable disease and so on. Most if us though will achieve it through the simplest of tasks, the construction of a piece of ikea furniture or the baking of a birthday cake for a loved one. 

So what exactly is my point? Well last night I discovered I had gained a distinction on my psychology assignment and it got me to thinking that we all have greatness in us and although it's not always apparent or obvious on first sight, people will amaze you and more so, sometimes, just sometimes we will amaze ourselves and when we do well that's just...GREAT! 

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